We quickly took over the carpark, and ended up with MINIs all around the Maccas restaurant.

We are gonna need a bigger Maccas next time!

These guys need a bigger MINI.

clubMINI first timers - forging new friendships

After a quick drivers brief, we all jumped in our machines and hit the road.
Although today for the first time I can recall, the MINIs got separated and half of us ended up going in the wrong direction! wooops
Here we are 'lost' well not really lost, just not where we were meant to be.
Another 10 mins later, our error was corrected and we were back with the main group and enroute to Arthurs Seat carpark.
Here we are taking over the Arthurs Seat car park

This MINI came all the way from QLD.. and is now relocating to fabulous Victoria!

MINI behinds

From Arthurs Seat we headed off along Arthurs Seat Road, and towards the stunning Marine Drive.. turning heads as our MINIs continued along through Dromana, Safety Beach, Mount Martha, Mornington.. and onto Frankston where we all parked and had breakfast at the Celsius Cafe.
Part two - onto Sandown coming up next!
To see more photos from this event, click here
And finally some advice...

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